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Get more massage, more often at home

Bring your partner in for this special Partner Massage Instruction session to help them get the tools to transform their massage techniques from "good" to "great." 

Did you know the more massage you get, the more the benefits are amplified? Makes sense, right? Fortunately, you don’t need to come in for a professional massage every day. Bring your partner, BFF, the grandma-to-be in with you for this fun session so they can learn techniques to give you some great massage at home.


You will be on the massage table and your partner and one of our therapists will give you a massage. We give you techniques to bring home and tips for common frustrations like set up and achey, tired massage hands.


This fun session lets your partner have a concrete way to be involved and stay in tuned in with you and the pregnancy. We'll cover the benefits of partner massage at home and how to incorporate massage into your birthing plans.


Did you know??

Most of the research on the benefits of prenatal massage has been conducted by teaching the pregnant person's partner to massage her at home. 


And with success. 20minute massages twice a week from your partner can convey all the benefits of a professional massage. 

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